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Sentry Security is an industry leader in residential security services and commercial security and consistently receives high ratings from customers, as evidenced by:

Better Business Bureau: Sentry Security maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and is a recipient of its “Complaint Free Award” for 2012 and 2011.

Best Picks: Sentry Security is the only full service Chicagoland security company to meet the performance criteria for Best Picks, an independent list of top-quality home service providers for several major metropolitan areas.

Angie’s List: Sentry Security has worked with a number of members of Angie´s List. Visit these sites to read Sentry Security sales and service reviews.

Sentry Security is ranked the #84 Largest US Security Company in 2015: SDM Magazine is the number one read publication in the dealer/integrator market, provides management and technical professionals with a comprehensive overview of the security dealer, integrator, distribution and installer marketplace.

City’s Best Awards: The City’s Best Awards judging panel honored Sentry Security with the 2021 City’s Best Award based on our outstanding service and customer satisfaction over the last year. Partnering with only the best companies, the City’s Best Awards recognize businesses that are the best of the best at their craft and select one winner in each major city throughout the country.

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Sentry Security

Our market-leading knowledge is built on the experience of the professionals and technology created from the combination of the following mergers:


Trusted by Top Industry Leaders

Secured By miniOrange