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Mass Notifications

Mass Notifications

Mass notification systems are critically important in helping facilities and safety executives address a range of threats and emergencies that can occur in today’s world. In time of emergency, they allow communication with large groups that may be impacted by it.

Sentry Security’s mass notification systems are designed to deliver scalable protection that adapts to evolving events, enabling users to send notifications quickly through various mediums to reach targeted groups in the affected population through preset or custom messages, as well as to communicate with local law enforcement.

Messages are shared with dispersed users

via smartphones and other devices both on- and off-property, whether in large complexes or across campuses and buildings. This includes text and email notifications, audio alerts or warning lights, and captions that can appear on screens.

Features & Capabilities:

Part of an overall life-safety solution

  • Security and administration personnel can mass-alert targeted groups in the affected population, including media and local law enforcement
  • Improve situational awareness by quickly informing building occupants of an emergency and evacuation procedures
  • Accurate update of impending obstacles and how to avoid them
  • Deliver routine communications pertinent to all occupants, such as building closure, traffic or weather conditions
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