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Tom’s Story

Tom’s Story

"We needed a security provider that could think outside of the box for us. Sentry was able to tailor a custom security solution for our unique set of security needs."

Tom was building a new manufacturing and warehouse/distribution facility, with corporate offices, to be his company headquarters. He needed a security solution offering fire protection/notification, access control with remote video features, along with protection of his people and assets. Tom also wanted to move away from his current key-based system so product could be better secured and managed.

Sentry implemented a custom-tailored security system to meet the needs of Tom’s company. The new security system tracked who was coming and going in real-time along with remotely accessible video capabilities. With the new system, Tom was also able to restrict certain areas for security, compliance and liability reasons. The benefits of the new security system included: asset & people protection, operational efficiency created by information on facility activity & supervision of work flow procedures, limited liability by having forensic evidence for events or reporting data for compliance.

Secured By miniOrange