Not-for-Profit Security Solutions

Comprehensive safety and security solutions for public-serving facilities.

Sentry Security partners with a wide range of not-for-profit (NFP) organizations to provide customized technologies and capabilities.

Not-for-profit spaces require security solutions that don’t interfere with their core mission of connecting people with essential services, programs, and other people. The Sentry Security team understands those needs and can design appropriate solutions.

  • Public service organizations, learning spaces, community centers, churches and places of worship, and more
  • Integrated design, technologies and operations that deliver all-in-one performance
  • Customizable to exact specifications for capabilities
  • Fire, life safety, emergency response, and security solutions that boost safety, meet insurance requirements, manage risk, and avoid liability
  • Security alarm verification and automated response
  • Compliance assessment for 911 capabilities, RAY BAUM’S Act, and more

Best-in-Class Integrated NFP Security Solutions

Our team will work closely with your management staff to help identify risks and present detailed, custom-engineered solutions. Sentry Security is a trusted partner to NFP organizations.

Our specialists can integrate security systems with capabilities that manage the full range of risks faced by NFP facilities: fire, life safety, emergencies, intrusion, and more. Solutions are tailored to meet insurance requirements and help avoid situations that create risk or liability. Security system design, installation, testing, verification, and maintenance – we can do it all for you.

We specialize in reducing complexity – if you currently struggle to manage multiple platforms, we can integrate comprehensive performance into a simple, convenient security solution.

High Value Business Security Services

  • Security system design, installation & monitoring
  • Maintenance, inspection & testing
  • Video and audio alarms, sensors & more
  • Intrusion and audio/video monitoring
  • Access control
  • Analytics & reporting
  • Employee supervision & safety monitoring
  • Fire detector, sprinkler & critical equipment monitoring
  • Video, audio, and access control integration
  • Remote access
  • Compliance & risk assessments
Parkview Community Church

Parkview Community Church

Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

“The people we have dealt with have been extremely helpful and friendly. They know what they’re doing and are good at doing it!”


American Hotel Register

Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

“We are very happy to be dealing with Sentry security!”

We Understand NFP Security Requirements

Enjoy the peace of mind that only superior security capabilities can deliver.